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Come up with a Fan Web page for your business. Invite friends and family to your fan web page.


Enroll in groups which can be related to your organization.
Utilize your individual profile to create friends list.

Easy Ways to Advertise on Facebook


Advertising on Facebook is a great way to boost your business. Over a billion people are active on Facebook, and of that vast amount, are potential future clients of your business.


An easy and no cost way to get started is to follow this outline:

Whenever you join a group and post on there, members will see your profile together with your website, and in the event they view your profile they might see you've got a fan page for the company. Assuming they like your business' fan page, it'll be within their feed for their friends list to see, so they can also check it out.


If you are willing to invest a little money, you can sponsor ads on Facebook that link to your fanpage. You can choose your target user demographic and have your fanpage display on their newsfeeds, as advertising. People who like what you are promoting may decide to click the ad and check out what you offer. Remember that this is a numbers game, so be sure to invest a decent amount of money, to reach the amount of people you feel necessary.

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